In her keynote speech, Dr. Niakan, Director General of IRC, emphasized on the significance of ‘research’ in the industry and its wider impact on the economy and stated that the vast majority of developments in the last decades owe their prosperity to cutting-edge studies. She also reviewed the notable contribution of research in Iran and how the strategy for the active engagement of the industry in the studies being carried out by IRC has provided a setting to promote the ‘culture of research’ among the public.
Dr. Hamzeh, Research Deputy of IRC, in her speech, reviewed some of the latest developments at IRC in order to revive ‘professional desks’ and forge further relationship with the researchers and relevant organizations in the fields of interest across the country.
In this ceremony, Dr. Mashalchi, Deputy President of Central Insurance of I. R. Iran (CII), Dr. Dehghani, the first Director General of IRC, Dr. Mazloomi, CEO of the Executive Authority of International Third Party Liability Insurance, Dr. Kardegar, CEO of Ma Insurance Company, Mr. Zarrabieh, CEO of Saman Insurance Company, Dr. Ghasemi, former Director General of IRC participated as the special guests.
Finally, four renovated professional desks of IRC were introduced and the authors of the ‘Top Papers’ of ICID 2024 were awarded in this event.