According to PRIAO-IRC, the main themes of the professional forum are: ‘Establishing trust in the insurance industry’, ‘Significance of pension plans and complementary annuities’, ‘Fair, prompt, and simplified claim payments’, and ‘Poor reception of some insurance products (other than healthcare and TPL) and recommendations’.
In this forum, Dr. Mahmoud Haghverdilou, Supervision Deputy of Central Insurance of I.R. Iran (CII), Dr. Masoud Hajjarian, CEO of Professional Insurance Institute (PII), Dr. Yunes Mazloomi, Executive Authority of International Third Party Liability Insurance, Mohsen Pourkiani, Secretary General of Iran Insurers Syndicate, Mousa Rezaee Mirghaed, CEO of Alborz Insurance Company, Behrouz Bastegani, Superintendent of the Center for Risk Management and Formulations of Rules at CII, and Dr. Hussein Nourinia, Research Associate of the Institute for Human Sciences and Sociology (IHSS - ACECR).
Those interested to participate in the aforementioned forum, must register through IRC Learning Management System (LMS) at
It must be noted that the forum is broadcasted live online and participants will receive participation certificate at the end of the forum.