عنوان گروه خبري / Research Update .
  • ساعت : ۱۱:۳۱
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  • کد خبر : ۷۲۶۳
Research Update: “Preventive Loss Management in Fire House and Warehouse Insurances”
A research project on loss management for house and warehouse fire insurances has been carried out by the Property and Liability Insurance Department of IRC.

According to PRIAO-IRC, the research project is conducted by Dr. Maryam Ethna-ashari, Director of Property and Liability Insurance Department of IRC with the collaboration of Dr. Parisa Rahimkhani, Faculty Member, Mahalat University.

The most common method insurance companies adopt when faced with perils and as a risk management strategy, is to transfer the risk by underwriting or reinsurance arrangements. However, results of the studies indicate that there are capacities, facilities, and methods to prevent losses in various businesses. Employing preventive loss management when facing with insurance risks which are usually characterized with low severity and high frequency can be considered as one of the most optimal and overlooked risk management strategies.

Aimed at identifying appropriate measures to reduce damages to houses and warehouses given the relevant perils, the present research project is written in four sections including ‘The Generals’, ‘Preventive Loss Management in House Fire Insurances’, ‘Preventive Loss Management in Warehouse Fire Insurances’, and ‘Concluding Remarks’.

The study has identified various risks associated with fire insurances for houses and warehouses and provides appropriate solutions in order to prevent them.

Initially, the study presents a systematic review on the most important available literature regarding fire in residential buildings and warehouses, effective factors, and existing safety measures. From the first record to February 2023, PubMed, Web of Science/Knowledge, and Scopus databases were searched and selected articles were included in the study. In the next step, using the opinions of experts as well as library studies, prevention and frequency reduction methods as well as controlling the severity of damages caused by the occurrence of each of the selected risk factors were calculated and presented.

Bowtie is an effective way to reveal the cause-and-effect relationships of accident causes, safety barriers, and possible consequences of an accident. In this study, based on bowtie analysis, a general framework for fire risk management in residential buildings and warehouses is developed through the analysis of previous fire incidences.

Those interested to access and download the Persian full text with English abstract of the aforementioned research report, please take a visit to https://www.irc.ac.ir/fa-IR/Irc/4944/Articles/view/16040/1632/.

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