عنوان گروه خبري / Research Update .
  • ساعت : ۱۰:۲۳
  • تاريخ :
  • کد خبر : ۷۶۴۱
Two Research Projects Approved by Research Council of IRC
On Monday, August 12, 2024, in the latest meeting of the Research Council of Insurance Research Center (IRC), two research projects on ‘takaful in Imamiah jurisprudence’ and ‘life insurance/family takaful’ were approved. In this meeting, Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Asgari, CEO of IRC, and members of the Council had participated.

The first project titled “Examining the Jurisprudential Basics of Takaful in Imamiah Jurisprudence: Focusing on Takaful Position in Islamic Financial and Legal System”, was approved after the Council’s recommended amendments were applied. Projected to be conducted within 6-month-period, the research study attempts to examine the jurisprudential and legal fundamentals of takaful from the Imamiah perspective with a major focus on Ayatollah Khomeini’s ideas.

The project is essentially a basic research with a library research methodology and content analysis. It also draws on experts’ and scholars’ views on relevant issues.

One of the anticipated outputs of the project is to delineate the present status of takaful in Iran insurance industry and selected jurisdictions based on various Islamic jurisprudence models.

The second research project titled “Study of the Solutions to Reduce Inflation Impact on Life Insurance/Family Takaful: Recommendations for Iran Insurance Industry” was also approved after suggested amendments were applied. Expected to be carried out in 9 months, the study attempts to present solutions for life insurance/ family takaful in order to respond to rising inflation impacts.

The study adopts descriptive methodology in its data collection and data analysis. It also explores the solutions used in selected countries curbing the inflation effects on life and family takaful businesses.

امتیاز :  ۰ |  مجموع :  ۰

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