categorytitle / Event .
  • time : 08:36
  • Date : Sat May 20, 2023
  • news code : 6917
Two Research Departments of IRC Officially Approved by Higher Education Promotion Council of MSRT
Higher Education Promotion Council of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology officially approved two research departments of the Insurance Research Center (IRC).

After initial agreement on 2021, the Higher Education Promotion Council of MSRT officially agreed with the formal operation of two research departments of IRC namely “Modern Insurance Technologies Research Department” and “Islamic Studies of Insurance Research Department”.

Since past two years and after reception of the required documents for the approval of the aforementioned research departments, the Council initially endorsed the operation of the research departments. This year and after a careful scrutiny, the departments were officially approved.

Now, IRC comprises of five officially approved research departments that include ‘General Studies of Insurance Department’, ‘Property and Casualty Insurance Department’, ‘Personal Insurance Department’, ‘Islamic Studies of Insurance Department’, and ‘Modern Insurance Technologies Department’.

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