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  • time : 09:53
  • Date : Wed Feb 21, 2024
  • news code : 7353
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IRC Published:
Handbook of Claim Management Procedures for TPL and Comprehensive Auto Insurances
The first and second volumes of the “Handbook of Claim Management Procedures for TPL and Comprehensive Auto Insurances” authored by Mr. Ismail Fallahi, was released by IRC Publication.

The first volume of the handbook comprises of 9 chapters including: ‘Handling Accidents without Sketch (Financial Third Party)’, ‘Handling Accidents with Agreed and Nonagreed Sketches’, ‘Drawing Accident Sketch and Loss Assessment by Certified Adjusters, ‘Accident with Misplaced Crash Scenes (Assumed Sketching)’, ‘How to Prepare Sketch for Accidents Where At-Fault Party Is Gone Missing’, ‘Sharing Accident Faults (Between Parties Involved)’, ‘Technical Failure in Accidents’, ‘Crashing with Livestock or Stationary Objects’, and ‘Shared Items in Fixed Losses’.

The second volume of the book comprises of 4 sections including 9 chapters. The sections are as follows: ‘Accidents Leading to Physical Injury Losses in TPL Insurance’, ‘Handling Physical Injury Loss’ and ‘Common Inquiries Regarding Physical Injury Losses in Auto insurances’, and ‘Loss Adjusters’.

The two volumes of the book are written in Persian and include the recent laws and regulations regarding auto insurances in Iran.  

Those interested can purchase the book from IRC Bookstore at the address: 43, West Sarv St., SaadatAbad, Tehran, Iran - Postal Code: 19395-4499 or access IRC online shop at:

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