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  • Research Activities.jpg


Insurance Corporate Need Analysis
The research priorities of IRC that reflects the scientific and research needs of the insurance industry are presented through research projects and academic dissertations. These research products are available to the public at the end of each year through the main website of IRC:

Research Projects
The aim of the research project analysis and development is to encourage fellow researchers and scholars to conduct studies in the areas of insurance, to help meet the research needs of the insurance industry, to sponsor applied studies, to prevent any biased analysis of the research proposals, to organize and support the solidarity of research proposals in their analysis and approval processes.

Supporting Dissertations
Based on the terms and conditions laid for supporting theses and dissertations, IRC sponsors relevant studies in the academic areas of insurance. The Research and Educational Affairs Office initially conducts a need-analysis study in the insurance industry in order to prioritize the studies required for the graduate students to develop their dissertations. This is however, announced publicly in the main website of IRC so that the interested students will be aware of the insurance research priorities.

Professional Symposia and Brainstorming Seminars
In order to present their scientific and applied results of the completed studies, the researchers, researchers assisstants, and research advisers are called upon to gather together in a meeting. The meeting has widely received plenty of positive reflections from the industry. Recently, IRC has attempted to conduct brainstorming seminars with the Head of Central Insurance of I.R. Iran and industry scholars and experts to gather in order to discuss relevant issues of interest related to the insurance market.
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