In order to meet the educational needs of the insurance market, Insurance Research Center (IRC), equipped with modern learning facilities has constantly attempted to provide various training services for the insurance industry. IRC regularly conducts training courses, seminars and workshops in various fields of insurance, for the insurance companies’ personnel including staff and managers and other interested people. Launched in 2013, IRC’s educational portal(accessible through, was aimed at reducing the costs of live training courses and facilitating distant educational practices for the industry community. At the meantime, in order to facilitate easy access to students’ affairs such as exam registration and certificate reception, another portal (accessible through was developed and has been widely used by the students across the country.
Industry Wide Examinations
IRC is also responsible to hold educational and preparation courses for earning various insurance activity permits, offered and approved by Central Insurance of I.R. Iran (Insurance Supervisory and Regulatory Authority). These trainings are provided for those seeking to be registered as non-life or life agent, adjustor, reinsurer, marketer, broker and etc. Each year, more than 15000 candidates participate in these courses and the subsequent examinations to be eligible to receive their desired license.