categorytitle / Publication Update .
  • time : 09:22
  • Date : Mon Jan 01, 2024
  • news code : 7251
The Winter Edition of Iranian Journal of Insurance Research Quarterly (IJIR) Released
Iranian Journal of Insurance Research Quarterly (IJIR) was released electronically by Insurance Research Center (IRC).

The winter edition of the quarterly contains the followings papers:

Those interested to access and read the English abstract of the Winter Edition of IJIR, can click on the following link

It must be noted that IJIR is an open access quarterly and free-of-charge paper directed and published by the Insurance Research Center (IRC). Supported by the Iranian Association of Islamic Finance (IAIF), IJIR releases original research papers, reviews, case studies and short communication covering all the aspects of insurance, risk and related subjects. The quarterly is committed to follow the Ethics in Publishing Committee (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with the ethical regulations. All the submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity through trustworthy software named iThenticate to make sure of the originality of the papers rigorously peer-reviewed by a team of international reviewers. IJIR has been indexed in some well-known world databases including Directory of Open Access Journals   (DOAJ), Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) and Google Scholar. IJIR has also gained a Scientific rank "A" from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT).

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