categorytitle / Research Update .
  • time : 08:54
  • Date : Sun Jan 07, 2024
  • news code : 7267
Research Update: “Study and Development of Competition Framework and Conflict of Interest Management of Beneficiaries of the Insurance Industry Based on the Upstream Strategic Documents”
A research project on competition framework has been carried out by the General Studies of Insurance Department of IRC.

According to PRIAO-IRC, the research project is conducted by Dr. Farzan Khamesian, Faculty Member of IRC with the collaboration of Dr. Said Madadi, researcher at Inspection Organization of Iran, Dr. Jacob Mahmoodian, Faculty Member of Payam Noor University, Masoomeh Ayeneh, Master’s in Commercial Management, Hasan Reza Abbasianfar, Director General of Planning and Technical Affairs Office of CII, Dr. Hasan Heydari, Faculty Member of Tarbiat Modares University, and Nahid Kheiralddin, researcher at IRC.

The study is prepared in 3 sections including ‘Literature, Competition Laws, and Conflict of Interest Management of Beneficiaries of the Insurance Industries of Iran and the Selected Countries’, ‘Deriving the Competition Components and Conflict of Interest Management of the Beneficiaries Using Grounded Theory’, and ‘Drafting Competition Framework and Conflict of Interest Management of Beneficiaries of Iran Insurance Industry’.

Competition is known as one of the optimal conditions for the resource allocation in any economy. It basically helps the economic growth of the countries flourish. The outcomes of the competition components reveal the intensity of competition and the profitability power of any industry. This, in turn, determines the ways and the intensity of the responses of different enterprises based on their interests. One of the major factors in imprecise and inaccurate implementation of the rules and regulations, disruptions in competition, misallocation of public resources, and etc. is the absence of conflict of interest management in place.

Given the significance of such an issue, the study and development of competition framework and conflict of interest management of beneficiaries of Iran insurance industry based on the upstream strategic documents were conducted. Presenting an overview of the global experiences, the research project identifies various components of the conflict of interest among beneficiaries followed with relevant solutions and recommendations. The study employs ‘grounded theory’ as its major research methodology and approach.

Those interested to access and download the Persian full text with English abstract of the aforementioned research report, please take a visit to

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