categorytitle / Publication Update .
  • time : 08:52
  • Date : Tue Mar 26, 2024
  • news code : 7404
IRC Released:
“Life Insurance: Basic Principle and Concepts”
The book “Life Insurance: Basic Principle and Concepts” authored by Dr. Fatemeh Atatalab and Dr. Mitra Ghanbarzadeh is published by Insurance Research Center (IRC) Publications.

According to PRIAO-IRC, the book comprises of six chapters that follows: Chapter 1: An Introduction to Life Insurances; Chapter 2: Types of Life Insurances; Chapter 3: Actuarial Principles of Life Insurances; Chapter 4: Marketing and Sale of Life Insurances; Chapter 5: Life Insurance Underwriting; Chapter 6: Claim Processes in Life Insurances.

Life insurances are one of the most significant lines of business in many countries. Death comes with various financial burdens for anyone involved. However, those wise enough to think in their life time, also think of their death time and try to reduce any concerns that come with it. Life insurance is one of the solutions that these people seek in many advanced economies.     

Although the significance of life insurance is evident, it has not been developed in Iran as it truly deserves and does not have enough value for many households. On the other hand, while many books and papers have dealt with the operational aspects of life insurances, still there is room for authoring publications that suits the knowledge of various audiences.

Focusing on the basic principles of life insurances in various levels, the present book with its simple wording and language, attempts to present the intricacies of life insurances to a wide range of audiences including those students majoring in insurance management at bachelor and master’s degree level and the master’s students in commercial management with insurance as their major focus of study. Written in Persian, the book is also valuable for insurance agents and overall sale network.

Those interested can purchase the book from IRC Bookstore at the address: 43, West Sarv St., SaadatAbad, Tehran, Iran - Postal Code: 19395-4499 or access IRC online shop at:

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