categorytitle / Publication Update .
  • time : 09:38
  • Date : Tue Jun 11, 2024
  • news code : 7531
Publication Update: ‘The Legal Compendium for Blood Money Including Judiciary Counseling Advices and Unanimous Votes’
The book titled ‘The Legal Compendium for Blood Money Including Judiciary Counseling Advices and Unanimous Votes’ authored by Ismail Fallahi is released by IRC Publications.

According to PRIAO-IRC, the book is presented in two sections including ‘The General Articles’ and ‘Blood Money Amounts’.

One of the very controversial issues in the Islamic law is the losses incurred due to physical injuries and the associated blood money. There is no doubt that human being requires setting rules with the aim of preventing crimes and murder. Blood money ruling are one of them. Among other benefits, they help relieve the survivors and avert the crime consequences.

The issue of blood money does not have a long history in Iran penal codes. Only after the adoption of the Islamic jurisprudence in Iran legislation system, it found its way into the Islamic penal codes. Islamic Penal Code 1392 (2013) compared to previous blood money laws including Blood Money Laws of 1361 (1982) and 1370 (1991) in their general rules for Qisas bounds, have undergone serious amendments. The present book fully deals with the blood money in Islamic Penal Code 1392 (2013) from Article 448-727.

Each chapter of the book is essentially divided into three sections including the penal code text, the table of rulings related to the calculation of the blood money, and the judiciary counseling advices. With the intention of facilitating learning, the tables are presented in a question-and-answer manner.

The general purpose of the book is thought leadership and eliminating ambiguities in the realm of the given laws and regulations.

At the end of the book, in order to further foster readers’ learning, a section is dedicated for practice that includes 25 real cases obtained from forensic documents.

Those interested can purchase the book from IRC Bookstore at the address: 43, West Sarv St., SaadatAbad, Tehran, Iran - Postal Code: 19395-4499 or access IRC online shop at:

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