عنوان گروه خبري / Publication Update .
  • ساعت : ۰۹:۳۹
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  • کد خبر : ۷۵۲۴
Publication Update: ‘The Legal Compendium of Auto Insurances: Principles of Examining and Calculating Third Party and Driver Accident Claims’
Authored by Ismail Fallahi and released by IRC Publications, the fourth volume of ‘The Legal Compendium of Auto Insurances’ deals with the claims related to third party losses and driver personal accidents.

According to PRIAO-IRC, the book unveils 50 myths regarding auto insurances in its two sections: 1. The Principles of Examining and Calculating Accidents Resulting in Injuries in Third Party Liability Business and 2. The Calculation Methods of Third Party Blood Money and Driver Accident Compensation.

The first section of the book comprises of three chapters including: 1. Required Measures in Filing Claims; 2. Required Measures in Finalizing the Claims; 3. Claim Management Procedures. The second section of the book, however, contains two chapters: 1. Blood Money Calculation Methods in Third Party Liability; 2. Compensation Methods in Driver Accident Line.

The book essentially deals with the principles and how payable claims are examined in third party liability and driver accident insurances. It also addresses the technical and legal issues that the legal experts may encounter when dealing with an auto insurance claim.  

The book is the fourth compendium of the auto insurance series that IRC Publications has released from the same author. The previous compendia attempt to provide a comprehensive background for the current and any forthcoming issues in later publications. These are all intended to make the relevant officers involved in auto claims gain more expertise in their profession.

Given a wide range of legal, criminal, and insurance laws involved in auto insurances, the book chapters attempt to review the latest relevant regulations and bylaws.

With a vibrant expression addressing the very pressing issues in managing third party liability auto insurance claims and driver accident claims, the fourth volume of ‘The Legal Compendium of Auto Insurances’ can be considered as a reference and road map for the interested readers.

Those interested can purchase the book from IRC Bookstore at the address: 43, West Sarv St., SaadatAbad, Tehran, Iran - Postal Code: 19395-4499 or access IRC online shop at: https://bookstore.irc.ac.ir.

امتیاز :  ۰ |  مجموع :  ۰

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