Formation: In 1997, Insurance Macro Studies Research Department semiofficially started its activity in the Insurance Research Office at Central Insurance of I. R. Iran in areas including management, governance, and direct insurance and reinsurance regulation. After the foundation of IRC in 2004 and with the official confirmation of Higher Education Council, the Insurance Macro Studies Research Department continued its works more extensively.
Mission: conducting fundamental, applied, and developmental studies in the areas such as insurance management, regulation, governance, and development. The prospect for the department is to become a reliable academic and research center in the studies related to management, regulation, and general issues in the insurance industry of the country, the region, and the world.
The most relevant study areas: risk management, revision of the laws and bylaws related to management and regulation fields, trends in regulation procedures in the global insurance industries, insurance sale network and marketing, insurance company management, insurance culture, organizational behavior management in the insurance industry, human resource management in the insurance industry, insurance education, creativity and innovation in insurance products, and other general insurance studies in the organizational and marco levels.